Texans for Better Science Education is a group of concerned Texas citizens who support the right of all students and teachers to learn about both the strengths and weaknesses of evolutionary theories free from censorship and intimidation.
Recent News:
Filing Season for 2012 Primary elections is right around the provervial corner! November 28-December 15. Are you running or do you know someone who should be considering it? More here and here.
Texas Attorney General office rules that under Texas law that prevents LOBBYISTS FROM SERVING ON THE BOARD, that the member of the State Board of Education cannot/should not by law even be a member--expressly adds that there is no "remedy" that the illegally seated member may use to fix it, which is what the member (Tom Ratliff) has been trying to claim. Ratliff should immediately resign or will face impeachment by the Texas House of Representatives. This is good news to conservatives, as Ratliff has almost never voted with the conservatives on the board. The full AG opinion is located here.
"Pledge to America" released by GOP DRAFT: download here
Contrary to horribly WRONG leftist group mis-information, THOMAS JEFFERSON has NOT been removed from Texas Social Studies. Read in our newsletter what Texas State Board of Education Chairman Gail Lowe says about what the standards actually contain.
RINO Board member Bob Craig appointed Dr. Gerald Skoog to an "expert panel" during the evolution war last spring. Bob is campaigning deceptively as if he is a friend of conservatives. However, he is betrayed in that claim by Dr. Skoog being awarded a 2010 "Friend of Darwin" award by E. Scott of the NCSE--a militant Darwinist organization from Berkeley California! RANDY RIVES is challenging Craig and is clearly the true conservative in the race.
New Youtube video catches Craig plotting with well known liberals, including pro-abortionists, Darwinists, and ACLU member. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byoxMIsv3Sw
Explosive Youtube video catches Bob Craig (rino) doing what the Darwinists want...view it here. EVEN MORE REASONS to vote him out and put RANDY RIVES in his place!
RINO SBOE member Bob Craig exposed in youtube video...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnSLpQ7TbE8
Map of Texas State Board of
(SBOE) districts available
here, (1.7Mbyte).
New York Times article highlights the importance of the Texas State Board of Education-"How Christian Were the Founders? (here) The NYT takes its usual pot shots at conservatives, but still has much good information about what is at stake in this years' elections.
1/11/2010 Primary season is on
in Texas...see table below for final list of who is
running for the Texas State Board of Education
12/21/09 Map of Texas
State Board of Education
(SBOE) districts available
here, (1.7Mbyte).
SBOE Races for 2010:
Considering running? Find out which
district you live in
11/20/09 Senate Healthcare Bill TABLE OF CONTENTS HERE (THANKS to Donna Garner & her brother! It is in MS Word format.)
10/30/09 Texas Amendment Voter Guide here
8/20/09 Back to School Newsletter - Einstein and more here
8/12/09 Stunning new graphics of cellular machines and information processing (courtesy of Discovery Institute). Order the new book Signature in the Cell by Dr. Meyer at Amazon by clicking on the Books & DVDs tab above.
Conservative Gail Lowe appointed by Gov. Perry to head the Texas State Board of Education
Congress poised to enact the largest (and perhaps most deceptive)
tax in all of history!
Governor Perry fails to veto HB 4294, but he temporarily supports SBOE authority on curriculum and issues executive order for the Commissioner to not ignore the SBOE.
A Dark Day for Texas - Chairman Dr. Don McLeroy was not confirmed. On a straight party line vote, 19 (for)-11 (against)-1 (abstain), the Dems, led by Sen. Watson and Shapleigh, blocked the confirmation due to Dr. McLeroy's faith. He was even attacked for what he taught to a fourth grade Sunday school class in his own church!
Audio of Free Market Foundation's Jonathan Saenz supporting Dr. McLeroy's nomination here.
Audio of Democrat Senator Shapleigh attacking Dr. McLeroy for his having private Christian religious views here.
Teach Both Sides of Evolution Petition:
Sign here.
Student/Parent Petition
for your school or church group:
(We believe even
Charles Darwin would sign them!)
"Teach Both Sides"
petition and
feedback to the Board
Please continue to write and call the board.
Even if you have already signed the petition, you may use the
message section of the form to
thank the
who voted to keep strengths and weaknesses or
encourage the
who voted against them to reconsider
(including GOP members Bob
Craig of Lubbock, Pat Hardy of Weatherford/Ft.Worth and
Geraldine "Tincy" Miller of Dallas).
Alternately, you may send a message to
and it will be forwarded immediately to the
SBOE members.)
Science TEKS finally posted on TEA website (here). Download and read them for yourself. We challenge the Darwinists to locate and show where either religion or the Bible have been inserted in these new standards (or the older ones)!
Darwinist monopoly on public schools decisively broken in Texas...Darwinists confused...Militant Secular Humanists are outraged. Conflicting media reports. This is a huge victory for our side. Details and links to follow soon.
2009 Zogby Poll shows Darwinism Losing Ground - "SBOE EIGHT" continue to defy the will of their constituents. Article here.
Survey shows Darwinists completely out of touch with nearly everyone! link here (includes phone numbers to call now)
Texas House Rep. files bill to require strengths and weaknesses if SBOE Eight vote against it.
Comments by "General Public" (here) and PhDs (here) on strengths and weaknesses issue. (2009 Zogby poll here)
Internet Poll set up. Please take 60 seconds to complete it here.
Press Release: State GOP Executive Committee (SREC) Votes to keep "strengths and weaknesses" language. Full details here and Resolution adopted here.
SBOE Member Terri Leo: Darwin himself would not censor weaknesses! Article here.
New Zogby Poll shows support for teaching both strengths and weaknesses is GROWING! Details HERE. Note: This is a bonafide poll conducted by a reputable pollster, not a hack "push poll" such as the pro-abortion, pro-homos_xual, pro-evolution TFN organization has been pushing to the SBOE. Details soon...
National Academy of Sciences member Dr. Philip Skell questions usefulness of evolution and whether rocks and fossils (and paleontologists) have anything to add to modern biology. READ HERE, Download PDF HERE
Lufkin Daily News Readers: SBOE Vote Article HERE (with pictures)
Lubbock Avalanche-J Readers: SBOE Vote Article HERE (with pictures)
Dallas Morning News Article by Kelly Coghlan here
Guest Editorial: Irreducibly Complex EcoSystems. Biology professor challenges neo-Darwinism as unable to provide ecosystems. HERE.
Guest Editorial: Peter Johnston - Is Darwinism in its FINAL PHASES as a theory? Read newsletter here.
SBOE Meeting Report: THREE R's voted with the Dems to gut the "strengths and weaknesses" language. Report with pictures here.
Weakness of Evolution: It cannot create diversity and may not even be able to recognize it! Read newsletter here.
Weakness of Evolution:
Massive and Persistent Gaps in the Fossil Record. Read the
assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain;
and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest objection which
can be urged against my theory. The explanation lies, as I
believe, in the extreme imperfection of the geological record." -
Charles Darwin, 1859, The Origin of Species
Weaknesses of Evolution: Fossil Record Data Does NOT support Darwin! Read the newsletter here.
Weaknesses of Evolution: People just don't buy it! Why? Press Release here.
Weaknesses of Evolution: Origin of Life - Just because Darwinists don't want to talk about it doesn't mean it's not a weakness of evolution! (newsletter here)
Weaknesses of Evolution: Origin of Information - Can Random Forces Really Create Meaningful Information? Guest editorial by Laszlo Bencze here.
Bogus Darwinist "survey" compared to published formal polling data. Guess what? The Darwinists rigged their survey! How scientific is that? Details in newsletter here. PRESS RELEASE here.
Instructions for contacting your State Board of Education member concerning retention of scientific strengths and weaknesses here.
December Newsletter - including guest Editorial by Texas State Board of Education member Ken Mercer here.
Mark your calendar to testify at the State Board meeting in Austin. Signup is at 8:00 a.m. sharp on January 16th, with the testimony time itself being the following Wednesday morning (Jan 21) in Austin. More details here.
Darwinists attempt to censor science education! They sounded like "broken records" at the Texas State Board of Education hearings. They cannot tolerate diversity of opinions regarding evolution theories, and cry the "sky will fall down" if "strengths and weaknesses" language is used. Most were so ignorant of the issues that they did not even realize that "strengths and weaknesses" have ALREADY BEEN in Texas schools for TWENTY YEARS!!! Related TBSE Press Release here.
Newly released
internal Texas Education Agency documents show conclusively
that Chris Comer was not "fired" over her pro-evolution
+ Read the
TBSE Press Release
+ Read the
TIMELINE of events
+ Download
relevant documents obtained under the
TEA releases personnel records to TBSE under Texas' "Public Information Act" regarding Chris Comer's resignation. More soon.
Evolution simulator "Mendel's Accountant" released. A team of scientists have released this sophisticated model for public and classroom use. It simulates mutations followed by natural selection, to evaluate how "Fitness" or survival is affected. Full story in latest newsletter here.
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board refuses request for information in ICR-GS case--cites loophole in Texas Public Information Act.
John West article on Louisiana Academic Freedom Act at National Review Online here.
Take and view our polls here.