Teacher Resources
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Weaknesses Discussion
- Evolutionists' Quotes Critical of
Evolution - Fossil Record Gaps
- Darwin's Finches -
Haeckels' Embryos -
Miller-Urey - Macro vs Micro
Evolution -
Historic Quotes and other Quotations
The following links and resources are readily available to assist teachers. Note that Texans for Better Science Education can also provide speakers who will give PowerPoint-style presentations on weaknesses of evolution statewide, which can be scheduled either during the day or after regular school hours. Below are Videos, Books, and Web Links that will help students, teachers and administrators explore weaknesses of evolution and one of the greatest controversies of all history. [Note: These are not religious and are suitable for classroom use.]
Importantly, please visit www.textaddons.com for criticisms of evolution that are specifically tied to individual textbooks in use around the nation. This excellent site includes page-referenced errors and alternatives to various topics, i.e. p.456 of Miller-Levine. For the teacher or student who is using a book that preaches evolution, this site helps one quickly find the more egregious errors and items that go unchallenged in the books and that the students and teachers should be aware of.
our troops and President Bush are doing all they
can to spread freedom throughout the world, it
seems that the militant Darwinian - Orwellian
"thought police" are alive and well not
just in America, but in Washington, D.C. itself!
Wall Street Journal Article here.
Stephen Meyer's peer reviewed article itself
82% of Texans Support Teaching Both "Strengths AND Weaknesses" of Evolution...details here
Open Letter to the State Board of
Education here
See what groups (Texas and National) are on our side!
Letter to Texas State Board of Education by Darrell Scott, (father of Columbine High School Victim Rachel Scott), of the organization Columbine Redemption here.
material to assist students, teachers, and
parents, tailored to CURRENT textbooks, here.
More Teacher
resources coming soon!
Press Release (Nov 10) here.
Get the real story!
Discovery Institute Press Release (Nov 7) here
Morning News Editorial Board November 5 editorial here.
A "must read"!
our news page here.
April 1, 2004 National Review Article by Dr. John West
Nov. 20 Interview: Dr.
John West and Mrs. Sandy Rios
of Concerned Women for
America here
Focus on the Family Nov 4
article here
October 31 "Scary Characters" article here
Columbine HS shooting
connection here
Textbook Error: Haeckel's
Embryos here
Textbook Error: Fossil Record Gaps here
Textbook Error: Darwin's Finches here
"This right to life cannot be granted or
denied by government, because it does not come
from government, it comes from the Creator of
life." Audio here.
- President George W. Bush in signing the
Partial Birth Abortion Ban, Nov 5, 2003
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AND ADMINISTRATORS through the TBSEFoundation - more info
Where Does The Evidence Lead?
- This video modularizes the scientific
information from Unlocking the Mystery of Life (UMOL,
below) into six individual 10- minute
segments/lessons. Where Does The Evidence Lead?
summarizes all the materials included in the
original UMOL production in a incredibly
"easy-to-view" and
"easy-to-understand." This student
friendly format allows the viewer to quickly view
and fully grasp the compelling scientific basis of
Intelligent Design
1 LIFE: THE BIG QUESTIONS A new challenge to
the theory of natural selection.
the complexity of the living cell.
machines that defy Darwin’s theory.
BEGIN? Why random mutation and natural
selction alone cannot explain the origin of life.
information, and life on Earth.
Part 6 THE DESIGN INFERENCE The scientific
evidence for intelligent design.
the Mystery of Life(UMOL) – a
58-minute science program exploring what DNA
reveals about the origin of life – documents how
scientists are abandoning naturalistic
explanations for the origin of genetic information
and looking to theories of design for answers.
In almost every scientific discipline there is new
found evidence that supports the theory of
intelligent design. For instance, in molecular
biology, the presence of information encoded along
the DNA molecule has suggested the activity of a
prior designing intelligence and UMOL
showcases the progress design scientists are
making in this field.
UMOL follows the efforts of contemporary
scientists who are advancing a powerful, but
controversial, idea -- the scientific theory of
"intelligent design. A growing number of
scientists around the world no longer believe that
natural selection or chemistry, alone, can explain
the origins of life. Instead, they think that the
microscopic world of the cell provides evidence of
purpose and design in nature -- a theory based
upon compelling biochemical evidence.
The story begins with a landmark meeting of design
theorists assembled by UC Berkeley Law Professor
Phillip Johnson in Pajaro Dunes California in
1993. The documentary then follows the development
of the intelligent design movement through
insightful interviews with key design scientists
Paul Nelson, Stephen Meyer, Dean Kenyon, Michael
Behe, William Dembski, Jonathan Wells, Jed Macosko
and Scott Minnich.
The interviews are brought to life with
state-of-the-art computer animation and
microscopic photography of living systems. The
viewer is transported into the interior of the
living cell to explore systems and machines that
bear the unmistakable hallmarks of design. Rotary
motors that spin at 100,000rpm. A biological
information processing system more powerful than
any computer network. And, a thread-like molecule
that stores instructions to build the essential
components of every living organism on earth.
Amazing animation footage of the bacterial
flagellum provides the viewer with a detailed tour
of “the most efficient machine in the
To date UMOL has aired in every top 20
market in the country including PBS stations in
California, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Michigan,
New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington
state and Washington, DC.
Privileged Planet - The
late astronomer Carl Sagan spoke for many when he
said: “Our planet is a lonely speck in the great
enveloping cosmic dark.” The new science
documentary “The Privileged Planet,” produced
by Illustra Media, challenges this long-standing
assumption, boldly argues that Earth is anything
but an ordinary planet in an insignificant part of
the Milky Way, adrift in a vast and meaningless
Based on the book, “The Privileged Planet: How
Our Place in the Cosmos is Designed for
Discovery” by Discovery Institute senior fellows
Jay Richards and Guillermo Gonzalez, the film
explores the many ways in which Earth is ideally
suited, not only for complex life, but also for
observing the universe around us.
According to Richards and Gonzalez, modern
scientific evidence indicates that the many
factors that make Earth suitable for complex life
also provide the best conditions for astronomical
discovery. “The Privileged Planet” explores
this intriguing correlation and its implications
on our understanding of the origin and purpose of
the cosmos.
Utilizing stunning computer animation and the
visual archives of NASA, the Hubble Space
Telescope Institute, the European Space Agency,
and leading observatories throughout the world,
this 58-minute film presents a spectacular and
uplifting view of our planet, galaxy, and the
entire cosmos. The film is narrated by Lord of the
Rings actor John Rhys-Davies and features
interviews with noted astronomers Robert Jastrow
and David Brownlee, and physicist Paul Davies.
Visit http://www.illustramedia.com/pp_prop/
to see the film’s trailer, order the DVD or
book, read an excerpt from it, read reviews and
endorsements, and find out more about the authors.
Icons of
Evolution Video and/or Study Guide
Are students learning the whole
truth about Darwin’s theory of evolution?
According to a growing number of scientists, the
surprising answer is no.
Some scientists now claim that many of the most
famous “Icons of Evolution” –including
Darwin’s “Tree of Life, finches from the
Galapagos Islands, and embryos that look
remarkably similar – are based on outdated
research and sloppy logic. Yet these false facts
are still being presented in many high school
biology textbooks as evidence for the validity of
Darwin's theory. Educators agree, saying students
are being hurt by the failure to present both
sides of the scientific debate over Darwin’s
Come explore this fascinating
new conflict over evolution in the classroom–a
conflict based on science, not religion. Learn
about the controversy that engulfs one town when a
teacher actually tries to tell the students that
some scientists disagree with Darwin.
From the Galapagos Islands to China, Icons of
Evolution will take you on a fast-paced,
fascinating journey into one of the most
controversial issues in today's public arena.
Running time: approximately 51 minutes. Color.
here to visit the website for the book Icons
of Evolution.
Icons of Evolution Study Guide helps teach
students understand both sides of the evolution
theories and their problems. The study guide is a
curricular supplement for use in conjunction with
any high school biology textbook. It helps
students learn all the facts about Darwinian
evolution, including the evidence that
scientifically challenges Darwin's theory.
Icons of Evolution Study Guide, $12.95
If you are interested in ordering Icons of
Evolution Study Guide please Discovery
Institute book service at 1-800-643-4102.
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Pandas and People ( Book)
This is described by its publisher as a supplement to the high school biology textbooks presenting the scientific rationale for intelligent design as an alternative to Darwinism. It has been reviewed in the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, Scientific American, Time, Science, and by others. One of its authors, Dr. Dean Kenyon, formerly wrote the bestselling college level textbook on biochemical evolution, before deciding himself based on the science that life as we know it could not have arisen spontaneously in some primordial soup.
It may be ordered from Amazon.com, the Foundation for Thought and Ethics (fteonline.com), and others.
Icons of Evolution
This book by Dr. Jonathan Wells explodes the validity of nearly all of the so-called proofs of evolution ("icons") that you and I and current generation teachers and all but the very newest textbooks still contain.
The current science on items as diverse as the peppered moth story from Southern England, Haeckel's embryos from the late 1800's, the "stuff of life" Miller-Urey experiment from the 1950s, Darwin's finches, horse 'evolution', four-winged fruit flies, and other examples are exposed. At best, these "best proofs of evolution" are examples of trivial micro-evolution or simple variation within species such as eye color or hair color. At worst, they are outright frauds being perpetuated in the classroom to this very day.
A Theory In Crisis (Book)
This book is credited with opening the eyes of many thoroughly indoctrinated evolutionists after first issuing in 1986. It has been updated at least once since then. Note that this is technical, not "light" reading, but good high school biology students should do well with it. It should be required reading for any biology teacher, either high school or college level.
Order at
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Courts and Creation Rulings - Edwards
v. Aguillard
Law and Legal
Can a teacher teach something other than a godless evolution?
Yes. There is much misinformation being spread by the media, the ACLU, and other groups defending evolution. A commonly misconception by administrators, teachers, and even parents is that "the Supreme Court has outlawed creation science". This is unequivocally FALSE information. What the Supreme Court ruled was that the particular way that a Louisiana law tried to ensure balanced treatment was unconstitutional. Even in that case, the SCOTUS affirmed the existing rights of teachers to "supplant the present science curriculum with the presentation of theories, besides evolution, about the origin of life" and that a "law intended to maximize the comprehensiveness and effectiveness of science instruction would encourage the teaching of all scientific theories about human origins." [from Edwards v. Aguillard].
Even arch-defenders of evolution E. Scott of the NCSE and Harvard's late Stephen Jay Gould agree with us here.
An excerpt from a recent article addressing this is as follows:
But didn’t the U.S. Supreme Court, in their 1987 ruling on the Louisiana equal time law, which required that the scientific evidence for both creation and evolution be taught, declare that teaching scientific evidence that supports creation in public schools violates separation of church and state and is unconstitutional? Absolutely not. The Supreme Court ruled that the Louisiana law which required that evidence for both be taught was unconstitutional because it was wrongly motivated by members of the Louisiana legislature. The scientific evidence for creation can be taught in science classrooms if this is done voluntarily by teachers without coercion, and without reference to religious literature of any kind. That this is so has been admitted by prominent evolutionists. Stephen Jay Gould of Harvard University stated, “Creationists claim their law broadened the freedom of teachers by permitting the introduction of controversial material. But no statute exists in any state to bar instruction in ‘creation science.’ It could be taught before, and it can be taught now.”1 Eugenie Scott, who heads the anti-creationist organization, National Center for Science Education, stated that “Reports of the death of ‘scientific creationism,’ however, are premature. The Supreme Court decision says only that the Louisiana law violates the constitutional separation of church and state; it does not say that no one can teach scientific creationism—and unfortunately many individual teachers do.”2 In spite of this fact, it is incessantly repeated in newspapers that teaching the scientific evidence for creation in public schools violates the constitution and has been prohibited by the Supreme Court. As a result most educators have accepted this false notion, and it is widely promoted by evolutionists.3
1. New York Times Magazine, July 19,
2. Nature, vol. 329, p. 282, 1987.
3. Science, Education, and the Subject of Origins
375 September 2004 - by Duane T. Gish
(good article!)
Francis J. Beckwith
"This book is required
reading for all public school teachers,
administrators, and lawyers who grapple with the
teaching of origins in U.S. public schools.
It will also become a standard reference for
education policy makers and school boards.
But beyond the legal and policy benefits,
this organized and well-referenced book is a
valuable resource for all those who want to
understand or articulate the history and primary
arguments of the Intelligent Design movement."
- from the ARN website. More info here.
Numerous Articles on both legal and science issues related to
teaching origins (Excellent!)
Historic Documents
Link to The Federalist Patriot Historic Documents section here
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Textbook-specific study guides:
Discovery Institute Center for Science and
Numerous Articles on both legal and science issues related to
teaching origins (Excellent!)
TBSE Articles
"Survival of the Fakest" by Dr. Jonathan Wells as it originally appeared in The American Spectator Dec 2000-Jan 2001 here.
Discovery Institute's list of "Essential Reading" here.
Citizens for Scientific Integrity:
CSI's critique of the 2004 edition of Biology by Miller & Levine here - Very good look at new "Dragonfly book" that many Texas schools are using. Pages are referenced to make integration with lesson plans easy for the teacher.
CSI asks the question: Does the Prentice Hall book teach weaknesses of evolution as the authors assert? See answers here.
Special Section for Teachers: National
Geographic "Was
Darwin Wrong?"
This is one of the most biased, one-sided
promotions of evolution in recent
memory. However, they do point out on
page 25 that only 0.1% of the presumed tree of
life fossils have been found!
For rebuttals online, try:
Discovery Institute's Dr. Jonathan Wells here
ICR's Bill Hoesch here
AIG's Dr. Terry Mortenson here
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