Recommended Books and DVDs
Signature in the Cell Dr. Stephen C. Meyer "Stephen Meyer shows that digital code embedded in DNA points to a designing intelligence and helps unravel a mystery that Charles Darwin did not address: how did life begin? Meyer tells the story of the successive attempts to explain the origin of life and he develops a case for intelligent design based on new evidence using the same scientific method that Darwin himself pioneered." -from back cover |
Darwin Day in America Dr. John G. West "John West's book is a deep and comprehensive study of scientific materialism's morally corrupting effects on American public policy. Although some readers (like me) will not find his attack on Darwinian science persuasive, anyone who wants to think about the moral and political implication of modern science will have to ponder his arguments." -Larry Arnhart, Professor of Political Science and author of Darwinian Conservatism |
The Politically
Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design Dr. Jonathan Wells "Jonathan Wells is not only an expert on Darwinism and intelligent design, but he also has a gift for making complex issues easy to understand. He even manages to bring out the humor in this controversy. This is the book liberals don't want you to read." -Ann Coulter "This Politically Incorrect Guide provides a superb, easily readable summary treatment of the important issues at stake in the intelligent design controversies. It empowers readers to decide the big questions for themselves, rather than being forced to rely on the dictates of biased experts." -Phillip E. Johnson |
Darwin's Black Box Dr. Michael J. Behe "A persuasive book. It will speak to the layman and perhaps even to professional evolutionists as well, if they are able to suspend for a little while their own judgment about origins, the ultimate black box." -The Washington Times "When examined with the powerful tools of modern biology, but not with its modern prejudices, life on a biochemical level can be a product, Behe says, only of intelligent design." -The New York Times Book Review |
Evolution: A Theory in
Crisis Dr. Michael Denton "This authoritative and remarkably accessible book by a molecular biologist shows how rapidly accumulating evidence is threatening the basic assumptions of orthodox Darwinism." -from back cover |
Icons of Evolution Dr. Jonathan Wells "Jonathan Wells demonstrates with stunning clarity that the textbook examples Darwinists themselves chose as the pillars of their theory are false or misleading." -from back cover |
Darwin on Trial Dr. Phillip E. Johnson "In clear, concise chapters, Johnson offers a casual, reasoned and scientifically sound evaluation of the support for Darwinism—from fossil records to molecular biology. In a new afterword, he responds to his critics and their arguments." -Amazon product description "Unquestionably the best critique of Darwinism I have ever read." -Michael Denton |
Science and Evidence
for Design in the Universe Dr. Michael J. Behe, Dr. William A. Dembski, Dr. Stephen C. Meyer "As progress in science continues to reveal unimagined complexities, three highly regarded scientists revisit the difficult and compelling question of the origin of life in our universe. As mathematician, biochemist, and philosopher of science, the explore the possibility of developing a reliable method for detecting intelligent design, and the examine evidence for design in life and the universe." -from back cover |
The Design Revolution Dr. William A. Dembski "This book spells out clearly for the general public how and why the progress of modern science points strongly toward an intelligent designer. It answers the most common criticisms of design theory so deftly that it makes one wonder if dogged opponents of design have something on their minds other than pure science." -Michael Behe |
Explore Evolution Dr. Stephen C. Meyer, Dr. Scott Minnich, Jonathan Moneymaker, Dr. Paul A. Nelson, and Dr. Ralph Seelke The arguments for and against evolution presented in a textbook supplement appropriate for high school students. |
The Origin of Species Charles Darwin "This is the book that revolutionized the natural sciences and every literary, philosophical and religious thinker who followed. Darwin's theory of evolution and the descent of man remains as controversial and influential today as when it was published over a century ago." -Amazon product description |
The Descent of Man Charles Darwin "In The Origin of Species, Charles Darwin refused to discuss human evolution, believing the subject too "surrounded with prejudices." He had been reworking his notes since the 1830s, but only with trepidation did he finally publish The Descent of Man in 1871. The book notoriously put apes in our family tree and made the races one family, diversified by "sexual selection"—Darwin’s provocative theory that female choice among competing males leads to diverging racial characteristics." -Amazon product description |
Expelled "Big science has expelled smart new ideas from the classroom ... What they forgot is that every generation has its Rebel! That rebel, Ben Stein (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off) travels the world on his quest, and learns an awe-inspiring truth … that educators and scientists are being ridiculed, denied tenure and even fired – for the crime of merely believing that there might be evidence of design in nature, and that perhaps life is not just the result of accidental, random chance. To which Ben Says: Enough! And then gets busy. NOBODY messes with Ben." -Amazon product description |
Unlocking the Mystery of Life "The science is solid and the computer animations are superb. Unlocking is a great film." -Philip S. Skell, Ph.D., Member, National Academy of Sciences, Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus, Pennsylvania State University "This video does an excellent job of presenting some of the hot issues in modern biophysics. In recent years we have begun to really understand how the machinery of the cell works and no physicist who has studied this field can avoid a sense of amazement at the delicately balanced designs." -David Snoke, Ph.D., Co-Director Nanotechnology Center, University of Pittsburg |
Privileged Planet Today, most scientists and philosophers claim that Earth is an ordinary speck of dust adrift, without purpose or significance, in a vast cosmic sea. This an outgrowth of the naturalistic philosophy that has dominated science for the past 150 years. Yet, remarkable evidence--unveiled by contemporary astronomy and physics-may now tell a very different story....This hour-long documentary explores the scientific evidence for intelligent design and purpose in the universe. In the process, Earth is revealed as far more than the product of time, chance, and random natural processes. We now know that a rare and finely tuned array of factors makes Earth suitable for complex life. We depend on our planet's oxygen-rich atmosphere, its large moon, its planetary neighbors, and its precise location within the solar system and Milky Way galaxy. But the story does not end here. For, the same factors that make a planet like Earth hospitable to life also provide the best conditions for scientific discovery." -Amazon product description |
of Evolution "Are students learning the whole truth about Darwin's theory of evolution? "According to a growing number of scientists, the surprising answer is no. They claim that many of the most famous "Icons of Evolution"-including Darwin's "Tree of Life," finches from the Galapagos Islands, and embryos that look remarkably similar-are based on outdated research and sloppy logic. They say students are being hurt by the failure to present both sides of an emerging scientific debate over Darwin's theory. "Come explore this fascinating new conflict over evolution in the classroom-a conflict based on science, not religion. Learn about the controversy that engulfs one town when a teacher actually tries to tell students that some scientists disagree with Darwin." -Amazon product description |