Contact Information Below
Write, Fax, Call, or Email Your SBOE Member. Be sure to be courteous and polite, and quickly state that you are in favor of enforcing state law such that both strengths AND weaknesses of evolutionary theories are presented, and that you want well known scientific errors taken out.
Click on your county to jump to your State Board of Education Representatives Contact information. Note that some counties are split by two or three representatives. For those, find your SBOE member by your address here. A complete list of SBOE member addresses and phone numbers is located here.
A- Angelina - Anderson - Andrews - Aransas - Archer - Armstrong - Atascosa - Austin -B- Bailey - Bastrop - - Baylor - Bandera - Bee - Bell (except N) - Bell (N Tip) - Bexar (N) - Bexar (S) - Blanco - Borden - Bosque - Bowie - Brazoria (NW) - Brazoria (SE) - Briscoe - Brazos - Brewster - Brooks - Brown - Burleson - Burnet -C- Caldwell - Calhoun - Callahan - Cameron - - Camp - Carson - Cass - Castro - Chambers - Cherokee - Childress - Clay - Cochran - Coke - Coleman - Collin (N) - Collin (S) - Colorado - Collingsworth - Comal - Comanche - Concho - Cooke - Coryell - Cottle - Crockett - Crosby - Culberson - D- Dallam - Dallas (Central, W, S) - Dallas (N and E) - Dawson - Delta - Deaf Smith - Denton - DeWitt - Dickens - Dimmit - Donley - Duval -E- Eastland - Ector - Edwards - Ellis - El Paso - Erath -F- Falls - Fannin - Fayette - Fisher - Floyd - Foard - Fort Bend (most) - Fort Bend (SE) - Franklin - Freestone - Frio -G- Gaines - Galveston - Gillespie - Garza - Glasscock - Goliad - Gonzales - Gray - Grayson - Gregg - Grimes - Guadalupe -H- Hale - Hall - Hamilton - Hansford - Hardeman - Hardin - Harris (Central-East) - Harris (E) - Harris (N and W) - Harrison - Hartley - Haskell - Hays - Hemphill - Henderson - Hidalgo (SE) - Hidalgo (NW) - Hill - Hockley - Hood - Hopkins - Houston - Howard - Hudspeth - Hunt - Hutchinson -I- Irion -J- Jackson - Jasper - Jack - Jeff Davis - Jefferson - Jim Hogg - Jim Wells - Johnson - Jones -K- Karnes - Kaufman - Kendall - Kenedy - Kent - Kerr - Kimble - King - Kinney - Kleberg - Knox -L- Lamar - Lamb - Lampasas - La Salle - Lavaca - Lee - Leon - Liberty - Limestone - Lipscomb - Live Oak - Llano - Loving - Lubbock - Lynn -M- Madison - Marion - Martin - Mason - Matagorda - Maverick - McCulloch - McLennan - McMullen - Medina - Menard - Midland - Milam - - Mills - - Mitchell - - Montague - - Montgomery - Moore - Morris - Motley -N- Nacogdoches - Navarro - Newton - Nolan - Nueces -O- Ochiltree - Oldham - Orange -P- Palo Pinto - Panola - Parker - Parmer - Pecos - Polk - Potter - Presidio -Q R- Rains - Randall - Reagan - Real - Red River - Reeves - Refugio - Roberts - Robertson - Rockwall - Runnels - Rusk -S- Sabine - San Augustine - San Jacinto - San Patricio - San Saba - Schleicher - Scurry - Shackelford - Shelby - Sherman - Smith - Somervell - Starr - Stephens - Sterling - Stonewall - Sutton - Swisher -T- Tarrant (FW) - Tarrant (outside FW) - Taylor - Terrell - Terry - Throckmorton - Titus - Tom Green - Travis (N) - Travis (SW) - Trinity - Tyler -U- Upshur - Upton - Uvalde -V- Val Verde - Van Zandt - Victoria -W- Walker - Waller - Ward - Washington - Webb - Wharton - Wheeler - Wichita - Wilbarger - Willacy - Williamson - Wilson - Winkler - Wise - Wood -X Y- Young - Yoakum -Z- Zapata - Zavala -
Contact Information Below
SBOE District 1 Rene Nuñez
1521 Upson Drive
El Paso, TX 79902
915 351-9923
512 936-4319 (FAX)
Term: 01/01/07 - 01/01/11
Occupation: Real estate broker
Counties represented: Bandera, Brewster, Crane,
Crockett, Culberson, Dimmit, Edwards, El Paso,
Hudspeth, Irion, Jeff Davis, Jim Hogg, Kerr,
Kimble, Kinney, La Salle, Loving, Mason, Maverick,
Menard, Midland, Pecos, Presidio, Reagan, Real,
Reeves, Schleicher, Starr, Sutton, Terrell, Upton,
Uvalde, Val Verde, Ward, Webb, Winkler, Zapata and
TEA website here
SBOE District 2
Mary Helen Berlanga
2727 Morgan Avenue
Corpus Christi, TX 78405
361 881-1000
361 881-1028 (FAX)
Term: 01/01/05 - 01/01/09
Occupation: Attorney
Counties represented: Aransas,
Calhoun, Cameron, Goliad, Jackson, Kenedy,
Kleberg, Matagorda, Nueces, Refugio, San Patricio,
Victoria, Wharton, Willacy and parts of Hidalgo.
TEA website here
SBOE District 3 Rick Agosto
205 N. Presa, Suite B 200
San Antonio, TX 78205
210 226-7106
210 226-7104 (FAX)
Term: 01/01/07 - 01/01/11
Counties represented: Atascosa,
Bee, Brooks, Duval, Frio, Jim Wells, Karnes, Live
Oak, McMullen, Medina, Wilson and parts of Bexar
and Hidalgo.
TEA website here
District 4 Lawrence A. Allen, Jr.
4302 Grapevine
Houston, Texas 77045
713 433-4643
713 556-7243 (FAX)
January 1, 2007 - January 1, 2011
Occupation: HISD administrator
Counties represented: Parts of Fort Bend and
TEA website here
District 5 Ken Mercer
P.O. Box 781301
San Antonio, TX 78278-1301
512 463-9007
January 1, 2007 - January 1, 2011
Term: 01/01/03 - 01/01/07
Occupation: Businessman, former Texas legislator
Counties represented: Blanco, Burnet, Caldwell,
Comal, Gillespie, Guadalupe, Hays, Kendall, Llano
and parts of Bell, Bexar and Travis.
TEA website here
District 6 Terri Leo
23516 Twin Oaks Drive, RR #5
Spring, TX 77389
281 257-0836
January 1, 2005 - January 1, 2009
Occupation: Special Needs Teacher
Counties represented: Parts of Harris.
TEA website here
District 7 David Bradley
2165 North Street
Beaumont, TX 77701
409 835-3808
January 1, 2005 - January 1, 2009
Occupation: Insurance agent, real estate
development company
Counties represented: Chambers, Galveston,
Jefferson and parts of Brazoria and Harris.
TEA website here
District 8 Barbara Cargill
61 W. Wedgemere Circle
The Woodlands, TX 77381
281 465-8095
January 1, 2005 - January 1, 2009
Occupation: Science educator
Counties represented: Angelina, Bowie, Cass,
Gregg, Hardin, Harrison, Jasper, Liberty, Marion,
Montgomery, Morris, Nacogdoches, Newton, Orange,
Panola, Polk, Rusk, Sabine, San Augustine, San
Jacinto, Shelby, Smith, Trinity and Tyler.
TEA website here
District 9 Don McLeroy
9277 Brookwater Circle
College Station, TX 77845
979 255-2538
979 846-1174 (FAX)
January 1, 2007 - January 1, 2011
Occupation: Dentist
Counties represented: Anderson, Brazos, Camp,
Cherokee, Delta, Falls, Fannin, Franklin,
Freestone, Grimes, Henderson, Hopkins, Houston,
Hunt, Kaufman, Lamar, Leon, Limestone, Madison,
Navarro, Rains, Red River, Robertson, Titus,
Upshur, Van Zandt, Walker, Wood and parts of
TEA website here
District 10 Cynthia Noland Dunbar
22123 Skyridge Lane
Richmond, TX 77469
512 463-9007
512 936-4319 (FAX)
January 1, 2007 - January 1, 2011
Occupation: science teacher, attorney
Counties represented: Austin, Bastrop, Burleson,
Colorado, DeWitt, Fayette, Gonzales, Lavaca, Lee,
Milam, Waller, Washington, Williamson and parts of
Brazoria, Fort Bend and Travis.
TEA website here
District 11 Patricia Hardy
900 North Elm
Weatherford, TX 76086
817 598-2968
817 598-2833 (FAX)
January 1, 2005 - January 1, 2009
Occupation: Educator
Counties represented: Ellis, Johnson, Parker and
parts of Tarrant.
TEA website here
District 12 Geraldine "Tincy" Miller
1100 Providence Tower West
5001 Spring Valley Road
Dallas, TX 75244-3910
972 419-4000
214 522-8560 (FAX)
January 1, 2007 - January 1, 2011
Occupation: Real estate broker,
reading specialist
Term: 01/01/03 - 01/01/07
Counties represented: Rockwall and parts of Collin
and Dallas.
TEA website here
District 13 Mavis B. Knight
P.O. Box 763337
Dallas, TX 75376-3337
214 333-9575
214 339-9242 (FAX)
January 1, 2005 - January 1, 2009
Occupation: Community
Counties represented: Parts of Dallas and
TEA website here
District 14 Gail Lowe
11 Chris Avenue
Lampasas, TX 76550
512 556-6262
512 556-3278 (FAX)
January 1, 2005 - January 1, 2009
Occupation: Editorial
Counties represented: Archer, Bosque, Brown, Clay,
Comanche, Cooke, Coryell, Denton, Eastland, Erath,
Grayson, Hamilton, Hill, Hood, Jack, Lampasas,
McLennan, Mills, Montague, Palo Pinto, Somervell,
Stephens, Wichita, Wise, Young and parts of Bell.
TEA website here
District 15 Bob Craig
P.O. Box 1979
Lubbock, TX 79408-1979
806 744-3232
806 744-2211 (FAX)
January 1, 2007 - January 1, 2011
Occupation: Attorney
Counties represented: Andrews,
Armstrong, Bailey, Baylor, Borden, Briscoe,
Callahan, Carson, Castro, Childress, Cochran,
Coke, Coleman, Collingsworth, Concho, Cottle,
Crosby, Dallam, Dawson, Deaf Smith, Dickens,
Donley, Ector, Fisher, Floyd, Foard, Gaines,
Garza, Glasscock, Gray, Hale, Hall, Hansford,
Hardeman, Hartley, Haskell, Hemphill, Hockley,
Howard, Hutchinson, Jones, Kent, King, Knox, Lamb,
Lipscomb, Lubbock, Lynn, Martin, McCulloch,
Mitchell, Moore, Motley, Nolan, Ochiltree, Oldham,
Parmer, Potter, Randall, Roberts, Runnels, San
Saba, Scurry, Shackelford, Sherman, Sterling,
Stonewall, Swisher, Taylor, Terry, Throckmorton,
Tom Green, Wheeler, Wilbarger and Yoakum.
TEA website here